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squirt for her snug pussy!!

Greta from Hungary gives us quite a toy show! But first she tantalizes us by slipping out of her turquoise flower-print camisole and and matching bra, displaying her 34A titties while she pulls aside her panty to reveal a very cozy and pink pussy. She prepares herself with two digits, then takes out a long golden bullet vibrator, which she slides into her peach of a quim. Greta leans her head back in pleasure as the toy sends its throbbing sensations throughout her crotch as our DDF cameras circles around to capture all the action. It’s really notable how tiny and snug a pussy she has! Taking off her panties so she has maximum ability to maneuver, she crams her crotch with the vibrator both while laying on her back and crouching on her knees doggie style. When she’s done cumming, she leans over on a table and gives us some sexy back poses that showcase the shape of her bottom and its provocative crack!

  • 00:16:39
  • Sep 18, 2009
  • 123


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