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carnal coeds cause kinky chaos!

College girls in white knee socks take over the dean’s office as kinky chaos reigns in the administrative offices! Yasmine Gold, in the t-strap heels, and Weendy White, in the black oxfords, have been called to see the dean because they mischievously interrupted the lecture by a Nobel Prize-winning poet who came to talk to their class about post-modern limericks. But Yasmine and Weendy have no intention of “toeing the line” of the college administration; no, instead they sit on the dean’s desk, take off their shoes, and play with their socked feet! The unseen dean is shocked--as we are, of course!!--at the unparalleled gall of these gals, who clearly don’t care if their grade point averages are affected by such unseemly behavior as Exhibit A) Taking down their blouses and rubbing their socked soles on their titties; Exhibit B) Pulling aside their white cotton panty crotches with their feet to engage in wholesale cunnilingus; Exhibit C) Removing their socks with teasing playfulness and sucking on their bare polished toes; and Exhibit D) Most extreme of all, tugging on their naked protruberant vagina lips with their toes and inserting said toes into said vaginas! The college administration has no choice but to examine and review the actions of these unruly females and come to a decision as to whether their activities constitute shameless flaunting of morality or merely the horny hijinks of young women in the last throes of an adolescent hormonal tsunami! Examine the scene for yourself, gentlemen, to draw your own conclusions, and don’t be swayed by the final anarchic images of the girls standing on the desk and kicking all the dean’s papers off with their bare feet!

  • 00:18:11
  • Nov 19, 2012
  • 228


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