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frenzied foot adoration!

Watch Hungarian babes Mya Diamond and Christine Diamond (no relation) have an erotic encounter in nylon! Outfitted in sensual stockings and strappy heels, they pose for us while exploring each other. They rub their legs and clinch on the couch, and our DDF cameras capture the teasing tangle of their limbs. Raven-tressed Mya licks Christines size 7.5 stilettos, then takes them off and worships the redheads soles in the sheers. Christine does a little heel worship too, but also takes off Myas heels so she can get at the size 6.5 feet wiggling in the nylons. As their lingerie comes off, the girls get more and more frenzied in their adoration of each others limbs.Down on her knees, Mya takes down Christines stockings, after biting on her garters. She tugs the nylons off with her teeth. Then the positions switch and Christine licks Myas pussy, before the ladies get into a naked clinch on the couch, with Christines bare feet rubbing Myas boobs while Myas naked and beautifully pedicu

  • 00:23:54
  • Aug 27, 2012
  • 330


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