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hot for his sauce!

Tanja kneels submissively but seductively on the carpet for Ruka Stone, and as soon as he enters and runs his fingers over her throat and lips and chin, she knows what she must do. Unzipping his slacks, she takes out his huge uncut knob, which she gobbles immediately into her ready lips. You’ll be right there as Tanja looks up with those sultry brown eyes of hers, her teeth nibbling on Ruka’s tip as if it’s YOURS...then the camera angle shifts and we enjoy a different view, so we can see Ruka watching his fellatrix as she swirls her tongue over his tool and drips saliva over it before sucking it hard and far down.She licks his nuts and plays with her pussy, and Ruka observes her with calm satisfaction as it’s clear how excited she is to be serving and worshipping his meat...then he stands over her for the finale, and as the camera switches back to the original point-of-view angle, you’ll feel once again it’s YOUR cock that’s letting out the sauce all over Tanja’s eager tongue and pretty little chin! Then watch how she sticks out that tongue to show off the spermy shipment she’s just received!!

  • 00:12:10
  • Jun 17, 2012
  • 223


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