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blondes gone wild!

The last time my very hot Slovakian girlfriend Diana Doll and I were together, I got to have her all to myself. This time, we decided to add some cock to our fun, but not just any cock. We wanted one thick and meaty, so we called upon J.J. who we knew fit the bill and who we knew would make it a hardcore threesome. Just wait till you see the fun we get into! J.J. takes turns pumping his throbbing dick into each of our pussies while we rub or lick each other’s clits, we take turns slobbering over his cock and balls, sometimes sucking him off together, I ride him while Diana sits on his face, and so much more! You’ll especially love to see the cameras come in close when Diana licks my puckered asshole while I’m riding J.J. I wonder what Diana and I will get up to next?

  • 00:25:48
  • Dec 14, 2012
  • 375


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