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their feet crave dick!

Welcome to a sizzling threeway with lucky Thomas Stone the meat in a sandwich between Tiffany Rousso and Linda Brown. The ladies climb all over him, rubbing their legs and high heel shod feet across his torso. Once the shoes come off, he gets to suck their s through their stockings, but what theyre really looking for is hard penis to be placed between their soles and crammed into their mouths. Tiffany holds Thomass tool against her sheer black nylon sheathed and sucks it. Then the girls surround his prick with their feet before Linda takes a few licks on his inches as well. Their bodies become a tangle as the girls suck on each others digits through their hosiery, and then finally on the bare. Thomas gets to enjoy Tiffanys nude toes just like Linda does.Thomas fucks Tiffany too, with Lindas size 6 foot rubbing against his rod as she keeps it in the blondes snatch. Then Tiffany uses her bare red-polished toes to guide Thomas meat into her friends hole. Tiffany sucks her own to

  • 00:28:46
  • Aug 17, 2012
  • 341


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