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we love bottoms up!

I invited over my ultra sexy Czech girlfriend Zoe over for some quality time with her…and our toys. Zoe is an absolutely ravishing beauty with long brunette tresses that I absolutely love to see her whip around when she’s deep in the throes of passion. And I make sure she experiences just that today! Of course, being a very giving lesbian lover, she makes sure to return the favor. We can’t keep our hands off of each other when we see the other in sexy lingerie and after some passionate kissing, we get down to licking each other’s tits and pussies. Of course, if you know me, there’s going to be ass licking involved, too. And you know how I love my toys, so we bring out two so nobody ever goes unpleasured. We take turns inserting them inside each other’s wet pink boxes and in ourselves. But my all time favorite position is with her ass high up in the air, yes with her hair swinging as she moans in ecstasy. Mmmm!

  • 00:26:49
  • Dec 21, 2012
  • 254


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