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banana split with cherry on top!

I have a surprise in store for you today! You may have thought I was going to give you a totally solo show today, but not quite! I m feeling hot and sweaty in my sporty outfit, tanktop, jean skirt, socks and sneakers, and I feel the warmth between my legs, so I immediately start to run my hands all over my damp body. I spend time on my assets that I know that you love, like my pert nipples and my firm ass. But of course, what you love to see the most is my juicy pussy and I sit back to finger myself. One finger isn’t enough, so I work two fingers in my wet box. But then that doesn’t quite do it for me either, so I bring out a banana to do the trick. I lick the banana, getting it nice and wet, and it gets me just how I like it, deep and stretching me wide. And to top it off, I get to snack on the banana when I’m done! Mmmmm!

  • 00:12:51
  • Aug 31, 2012
  • 194


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