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nataly enjoys a weiner!

Cum feast your eyes on naughty Nataly as she slobbers up her boyfriends Weiner. This vivacious redhead is quickly earning a reputation as one of best cock gobblers around!Enjoying a book on her couch the well tanned, green eyed beauty is dreaming of something hard and hot to wrap her lips around. As if summoned from her thoughts, her man, Mr. Wein, comes in with his dick hard and ready for her tongue to love it down. Nataly is in complete lust for his dong and treats it proper, with licks and flicks that send the cream in his balls into an emergency state of evacuation. Nataly isn t ready for those semen to escape yet though, so she cuddles his nuts in her mouth, easing the tension before she swallows his prick whole once again and starts the process all over again. Face fucking and lots of Saliva are the theme of this blowjob scene. The final evacuation of the semen is a bit messy as Wein blasts his hot load in her mouth and leaves Nataly in a state of blowjob bliss!

  • 00:18:43
  • May 20, 2012
  • 256


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