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even her pussy smokes!

We find Julia Taylor in an ultra-modern office, smoking cigarettes while posing her nylon-clad legs on the desk as if she’s defying some unseen boss to tell her to take them down! She keeps smoking while she strips, and even puts a cigarette in her pussy so it can savor the nicotine! Only after we tear our eyes away from this stunning redhead do we notice she’s got an array of glass dildos, which she was obviously hired to take for a test plunge. Julia’s pix and video have it all: femme fatale-style smoke inhaling and exhaling, as well as deep dildo exploration from every conceivable angle as the DDF cameras move in for cream-inspiring closeups. Julia finally decides on her favorite toy. Check out the whole set to find out which one it is!

  • 00:16:03
  • Dec 07, 2010
  • 261


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