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elegant interludes!

Hey lovers. It s me again, Cherry Jul, and today I am wearing some sexy lingerie I just picked up at the mall. Long see-through negligee and a really cute matching panty and bra set. It s quite exquisite, and I thought I would give you a little show while I seduce myself into orgasm. How does that sound? First I tease you with plenty of leg shots and hot rubbing through my panties. My juicy clam begs for me to probe it, but not yet. I want your dick nice and hard before I slide my digits inside. Flip my squirrel cover to the side and massage my pearl. Mmmm, if only that were your tongue right now baby. Okay, okay, here is that better? Do you like these closeups of my shaven pussy? All my clothes is off right now, what are you going to do with me? Here, let me show you how I like my pussy touched while I get spread eagle and rub it to climax. Uhhh, it s so good, I think I m gonna cum! Mmmmm, the benefits of shopping. Always gets me hot and bothered!

  • 00:18:44
  • Feb 13, 2009
  • 167


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