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will machines take over pussies?

Hannah Hunter is in the mood for some automated action! When she hooks up with our DDF Fucking Machine. Pulling off her pink tee and blue jeans, she quickly rubs the green rubber dildo of the machine against the crotch panel of her pink panties, warming herself for the ultimate robot penetration. Hannah watches our responses carefully as the mechanical dick plunges back and forth in her quim, until finally she closes her eyes and hugs the pillow as her body surrenders to the inevitable explosion brought on by that miracle of 21st century science, the Fucking Machine! Oh, by the way, in a lot of the shots you can see her bare soles as they wobble in the air while she gets banged--providing good fodder for foot fantasies for those who enjoy them too, like yours truly!

  • 00:17:12
  • Jul 14, 2011
  • 220


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