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riding the cock saddle!

Monika meets the Sybian machine... and she gives it a real workout! Before she even takes off her lavender tank top and black miniskirt, she squats over the thrumming rubber dick with the controls in her hand, taking the proxy prick into her hole. Giving it a little footjob as she drops her panties to her ankles, she then crouches over the Sybian’s sausage again, but then gets off and takes the rubber cock-sleeve with her, still embedded in her cunny. She sucks on the sleeve and then replaces it on the dildo, pulling the machine onto the bed and riding it there. As a final sensual treat, she stuffs the plastic pork into her asshole too as she plays with her tits and moans in climax. A busy little lady is Monika! See her explode in pix and HD video.

  • 00:26:05
  • Oct 20, 2011
  • 201


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