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goin to town on their tootsies!

Monika and Kelly mix it up for some fun with their feetsies! Kelly’s wearing cute white socks with polka dots, and Monika quickly gets very attached to them--and clearly to the feet within! Kelly rubs Monika’s orange-clad peds against her titties, then sits her pussy down on Monika’s face. Monika puts her tongue where it’s most needed--namely, she eats Kelly’s pussy and asshole, and then she takes off her friend’s panty of many colors before Kelly turns the tables and does some fine dining herself!Kelly crouches down to lick Monika’s vag, and she sticks out her shapely butt nicely for our DDF cameras. Then she takes off Monika’s socks and licks her friend’s left foot, really savoring the sole, toes, and arch! Then we get some great shots of Monika licking Kelly’s right heel as her white sock is half off, half on; and when the sock fully comes off, Monika shows an equal devotion to foot love with her tongue and lips. Kelly fucks Monika’s quim with her toes, and Monika plays with Kelly’s ass cheeks before entwining her toes with Kelly’s while her free foot penetrates Kelly’s box! A wild set with two extremely cute girls!! Don t miss it.

  • 00:23:18
  • Jul 02, 2012
  • 205


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