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champagne = ass lovin

Come join me on my hot date with Cage filled with sexy lingerie, champagne, and plenty of hardcore anal action for you ass lovers! After getting loosened up with some bubbly, I go right for Cages thick cock, dipping it into my glass, so I can lick the champagne right off of him. I can feel my panties getting soaked with my juices as I continue to suck on him long and deep. Cage knows just how nasty I can get and he turns me around so you can see my pink, shaved pussy peeking from underneath, and sticks his fingers into the depths of my ass. Cage and I then do anal in every position possible, from me sitting on top of him forwards and backwards, from him penetrating me from the side, and deep fucking me in the ass doggy-style. For the finale, Cage rubs his cock to orgasm with a finger deep in my ass gape, and as I finger my clit, he cums all over my holes. He removes his finger from my puckered asshole and plunges his member back in a couple times for good measure. I then lick him of

  • 00:27:00
  • Sep 22, 2008
  • 388


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