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tipping in the form of a blowjob!

Castor comes around every Saturday to wash my windows. I am usually busy, but this week I had nothing arranged. As I watched him work I realised how good his body was. This fit young man was in my flat and I had never even noticed him before! I had to rectify that. I offered him a cup of tea, but he said he had to hurry, so he couldn t indulge. Little fucker hardly gave me a second glance. I decided I would make him notice me. I stripped down to my panties and started manhandling him. He didn t have a big one, but plenty for a Saturday morning sausage snack! Soon I was sucking on his swollen length hungrily as he moaned with pleasure. He was definitely taking notice of me now. Soon he told me he was ready to cum (he is young after all) so I pulled on his cock a couple of times and let him spurt his load over my face and tits! I hope he s not too frightened to come back next week as he ran out without finishing my windows after that!

  • 00:12:58
  • Nov 03, 2011
  • 169


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