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how to suck cock perfectly

You know, we ve all had blowjobs, some of course better than others, but this blowjob, if you’re so inclined to watch, is truly worth its weight in gold! If seeing is believing then I’ll just let you be the judge, but if you ask me, this BJ should be a best seller in a "How to" training manual!In today’s DDF Network Hands on Hardcore premium porn, Nataly takes on JJ’s cock, sucking, spitting, and slobbering all over his long hardened shaft, as nasty as she knows how. JJ grabs the back of her head starts pumping his cock in and out, fucking her mouth and pretty face like nothing you’ve ever seen before. He gets that boner so deep down her throat that spit and slobber started oozing from her mouth, saucing his cock and marinating his balls. Nataly starts blowing bubbles of spit, blows a wad of snot, and wipes it right on his balls. Spit and slobber runs from her mouth like a dog salivating on a bone. JJ reaches in her mouth, pulls out a ball of spit, twirls it around and tosses it right back in. She stands up and steps out of her panties, then I kneels down and sticks his cock back into her mouth. The horny redhead jerks him off hard and fast when she knows he’s going to cum, and slides that massive dick back in her warm wet mouth, where he gives her a mouthful of creamy jizz.

  • 00:10:54
  • Mar 18, 2012
  • 287


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