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i ll have mine with a cherry on top

This hot babe, who looks like a sexy version of Anna Kournikova, came into our studios and caused much dropping of the jaw. Well we were certain we were on to something big, so we made sure to fill up her schedule, and her twat at the same time! Anyway, this first outing will get your juices boiling with her striptease. Once her firm, young flesh is exposed then you get to enjoy her sweet pussy and pink asshole. Soon she is pleasuring both sweet cock holsters with her dildo, smiling with sheer delight the whole time. She gets off on having you watch her, so don t disappoint! She won t be mad if you need to pull out your stiffy and squeeze one out, in fact the thought of it drives her!

  • 00:17:08
  • Nov 22, 2005
  • 286


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