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shortie craves a creamsicle!

Thomas never realized the opportunities that could arise cleaning the girls toilets! Lovely blondie Eve was taking a wizz when Thomas came in to clean the toilets. Mop in hand he was stone cold busted as he forgot to knock on the urinal that Eve was squatting in to let her golden stream of liquid loose. Lucky for Thomas, The short little poptart was hungry for an orange creamsicle and Thomas was wearing the right color for the job! She reaches for his bald pecker and nuts and sucks it vigorously while holding it with one of her tiny hands that makes it look even bigger. Thomas is pretty nervous about getting busted so he pops his load of jizz quite quickly over the cream cravin cutie and she enjoys every last drop!

  • 00:11:09
  • Aug 07, 2011
  • 145


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