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suzie carina double penetrated

Hey there all you bad boys I’m Suzie Carina. As you can see I have a nice hard body and I’m as can be. I broke up with my long time boyfriend not too long ago, he was cheating so he had to go. It ended up not being the smartest thing that I’ve done because it has left we cockles and extremely horny. Now I am thee type of girl that likes to play with herself and I’ve had my girlfriends over playing naught games but there’s nothing for me like getting filled up with cock so I invited my friend George over for a fuck to get caught up on things. As my luck would have it George brought along a friend and we had a nasty good time, if I can keep getting fucked like this on the regular I might stay single for a while. They fucked my pussy and ass hole like they’ve never been fucked before and I happily sucked their cock straight from each hole. I truly had the time of my life and an orgasm that was second to none. I sucked their cocks right to the end taking both shots straight in my mouth. If you want to know all the dirty details blow by blow all you have to do is click and cum inside! I’ll be waiting for you!

  • 00:28:21
  • May 31, 2007
  • 716


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