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cumming in step mommie jackie lin s mouth - joi

Your step mother wants to surprise her husband with a new outfit, but she would like your input. Do you mind if she undresses in front of you? Before you have time to even consider an answer, she has already begun to undress and try on her first outfit. Her firm titties are soon covered in a pretty black bra. She asks if you like it and she points out that it exposes her nipples a bit. Don t men like these lacy things? You are still in shock over what is happening. What if your step-dad walks in on this?! Step mommie Jackie is now standing there pulling up a pair of matching black panties. You like this outfit, you tell her, but you are excited to see the next one. The next choice is orange with a little leopard print. Jackie sees that you are enjoying this from the bulge in your pants. As you examine this second choice, it is clear to you both that this is the one! Out of nowhere, she asks to see your dick. You happily drop trou and start stroking yourself. Can she please taste your precum? Your horny step-mommie tells you that when it is time for your orgasm, she wants every drop of your jizz all over her. She can tell that you are getting closer and she reaches over to touch your dick. She strokes you a little and she can tell you are ready to cum. She opens her mouth wide and gobbles up everything you have to give her.

  • 00:09:30
  • Dec 07, 2023
  • 91


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