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you are a worthless, out-of-shape piece of dirt! (with holly heart) - joi

After a great workout Holly is a little fired up. You are lazy and Holly is not amused that her biceps are larger than yours are. Get out your disgusting dick out and get it hard, but you cannot touch it. Just put your hands behind your back and stare at her tits. Are you getting hard yet? Go ahead and start stroking your shaft with just one hand. Be sure that you do just as you are told. Holly hopes that you jerk off better than you work out. You suspect that Holly is so mean because you have not worked out in quite a long time. Holly twerks her ass as she continues to berate you. She hates you and she hates your cock. You do not deserve to see her titties, so she exposes them while your eyes are closed. Never has she been so mean to you, but you realize that you like mean Holly. You do everything that she orders you to do, fearing what she might do. Are you thinking about her sweaty pussy? Forget it because you cannot fuck her. Holly orders that you squeeze your cock very hard with both hands and then she wants you to slap your balls hard. You administer pain to yourself because you know she will hurt you even more. She hisses at you to blast your cum all over yourself and then to lick it off of yourself. You have been humiliated, but you came harder than you ever have before, so it was worth it!

  • 00:07:41
  • Dec 01, 2023
  • 87


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