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two-girl playtime with stepdaddy - jerk off instructions

Heather and Tara are watching their vacation video together and Heather confesses that she kind of has the hots for you, Tara s stepfather. Tara thinks that you have the eye for Heather because you keep zooming in on Heather s ass in the video. Tara calls you in to ask if you thinks that Heather is cute. The girls want you to decide which girl has a cuter ass and they wiggle them at you. They do not think that you have enough information to pick a winner, so they remove their tops and play with each other s titties. Both girls have small, perky tits and you don t know which girl is hotter. They see your bulge growing and they ask you to pull out your cock. You start stroking off right in front of them as they playfully caress one another. Then they kiss and you stroke your dick even harder. Heather tells you that your dick is making her pussy wet and both girls begin fingering their pussies. You do not have any idea what has come over these naughty 18-year-old girls, but you do not car

  • 00:09:13
  • Nov 29, 2023
  • 92


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