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bushy beauty rides the sybian!

Hairy Twatter brings us a tall, brunette Czech babe who not only has the forest but she s about to let the sybian fuck machine in for a visit! Some of you may have seen Celine before in her casting for 1BY-DAY, if you have, you know this girl has the goody package! Long legs, nice supple breasts, cute smile, and a big round ass just built for pounding! Now you get to see that hot twat of hers covered in hair!She comes on set wearing a nice see-through negligee and black panties which she quickly tugs between her furry pussy lips, showing us just how tight that beaver of hers is. Then with a sexy smile and almost no warning at all she gallops right onto the stubby little robot dick and starts getting her bounce on! Were treated to a triple view screen so we can have a closeup of her bush while she massages her hidden bean in fast and furious circles to coax her cum. Her moaning is like a symphony and provides some great background music for jerkin off. Remote control works it s way into her hands and then it s a surefire ride straight to juicy pussy city! She really bucks that baby for all it s worth when she s cumming! Don t you wish that saddle was your face?

  • 00:11:29
  • Feb 17, 2012
  • 163


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