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hard spanking and belt whipping for big booty brat

I ve been a naughty girl and it s time I received some firm discipline! Watch as I squirm when his big hands squeeze and tease my butt cheeks! He warms me up with swift smacks before peeling my panties off and exposing my wet pussy! Then the real spanking begins! It hurts to be hit so hard but I know I deserve it. My ass is already SO red by time he busts out the belt! I try my best to hold still for my whipping, but it really stings! Especially when he whips my pussy and the bottoms of my feet! I shove my dirty panties into my mouth to silence my squeals! Don t you just love those dark raised marks left on my skin?

  • 00:15:08
  • Nov 23, 2023
  • 100


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