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showing us her pink!

Are you ready for more Penelope Cruss? In her last casting we focused on her curvy legs and wiggly toes. This time we want more of her pink! The Romanian babe, dressed in a colorfully striped top and jeans, looks like she came straight from high school. Just imagine that straight black hair in pigtails! She tells us she hasn’t tried anal before but is willing to give it a try and stripping out of her jeans, she turns around and shows her ass, gaping it wide as proof. Just what we like to see and hear! When we ask her to masturbate, she’s seems shy at first, but we’re good at taking care of that and she’s soon spreading open her pussy lips for a camera close-up. How about some more?

  • 00:04:29
  • Aug 09, 2012
  • 96


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