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on her knees to please you!

Can you imagine spending nineteen minutes with your cock inside Teena Lipoldino’s mouth? Many of us certainly can, as this Russian beauty is one of the sexiest young ladies to come down the pike in quite awhile. Well, here’s your opportunity to study her blonde-haired blue-eyed beauty “in depth” as she occupies herself with a lucky penis in this new “point-of-view” thriller! When we first see Teena she’s swaying to and fro contentedly on an outdoor swing, but when a potential serving of dick comes into her angle of vision, she quickly hurries over, gets down on her knees, and undoes the jeans and pulls down the shorts that are the only obstructions between her lovely face and the throbbing red shaft that she immediately takes into her lips! Holding the meat with her beautifully red-manicured fingers, even as birds chirp in the distance and planes fly overhead, Teena takes the tool with fervor into her face, sucking deeply back and forth. Looking up at you with those amazing peepers under long eyelashes, she’s a horny sight indeed as she strokes the cock and even the camera starts to shake in excitement! Cupping the balls as she licks and pumps the shaft, rubbing the stiff shiny inches with both of her hands, Teena jacks the boner into her mouth with delectable dedication that will have you popping a load in no time!! Close your eyes and feel your cream jetting down her throat--because after all...this video is really about YOU and your pleasure!

  • 00:19:27
  • Jul 24, 2012
  • 243


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