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porked by the machine!

When sexy little Czech honey Jerry Potter agrees to ride the Sybian for the Hairy Twatter crew, she had no idea what she was up against, or at least, no idea what her clit was going to be up against! The sultry blonde steps into the studio wearing a fishnet style dress, and after a few instructions from the team, she pulls the dress below her perky, oh so suckable tits, and up to her waist revealing her furry surprise! Then she lowers her tight little body onto the rubber dildo and plants her little bean firmly onto the vibrating studs!From that point on it s an escalation of moans and gasps as the machine works it s clitty magic on this fine little debutante. Squeezing her titties Jerry grinds back and forth on the machine while the vibrations deepen. The DDF Cameras roll right onto the entry way of her lush forest, and back up again to see the fuck faces Jerry is displaying as she nears the big "O . Fondling her tits and grabbing her ass Jerry pops all over that saddle, as we shoot our loads up in the sky in celebration and yell Bravo, Bravo Jerry!

  • 00:11:20
  • Jul 27, 2012
  • 131


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