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ph.d in cocksucking!

The first question we ask the luscious lipped Czech hottie, Rihanna Samuel, when she comes in for her casting is whether she likes to suck cock. When this sultry-eyed, blonde babe responds that she loves to swallow cum, we just have to see for ourselves! But first she gives us a sexy striptease, removing her top, jeans, and black vinyl strappy heels that look like something straight from a House of Taboo set. She pauses before removing her panties, teasing us as she snaps the band against her ass, undulating her hips as she slowly peels them off of her. We bring in J.J. so Rihanna can demonstrate her skills, and he gets a blowjob that’s bound to make you blow a load just watching! You’ll see just why he rates it an 11, why we love her on Only Blow Job, and why we think she deserves a Ph.D in cocksucking! You can also catch her on House of Taboo, Euro Girls on Girls, 1By-Day, Hot Legs and Feet, DDF Beauties, and Hands On Hardcore.

  • 00:09:43
  • Jul 19, 2012
  • 229


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