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an exciting new teaser!

Pretty and somehow sophisticated looking despite her youthful pigtails, she starts out almost naked on a chair, wearing only white sneakers. She shows off her trim body, cute butt, and handfuls of titty, then she sits down and plays with her nipples while spreading her cookie. She lifts her legs high and we get great views of that shaved honeypot, then she bends over on her knees and gives us another vaggie view, complete with her inviting asshole above. Sandra keeps licking her lips and fingering herself, breaking into a big smile from time to time. She seems to enjoy her own taste as well, as she keeps licking her digits after fingering her hole. After teasing us good and proper for awhile, Miss Hill then gets dressed in a pink top, pale blue shorts, and white handbag, ready to go out and tease guys at the beach, no doubt!!

  • 00:16:35
  • Jun 15, 2012
  • 112


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