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cumming for clara!

Romania is known for having some of the most amazing babes the world over. Today you get to witness the amazing Clara G. A 5 6" blue-eyed blonde with all the right curves! She s graced our site a few times before, so if you want more after seeing her casting, head on over to DDF Network, 1by-day, Euro girls on girls, or Hot Legs and Feet to give yourself a treat!Clara comes in totally dressed down in jeans and a black top, but once she starts peeling that off, it s like POW! You get slapped up straight away as her flawless golden skin and juicy coconuts come into view. She either spends a lot of time at the gym, or a lot of time fucking that body into shape. After jiggling her tits for us, she does a cute little striptease dropping her boots, jeans, and panties to stiffen our pricks! Her juicy pussy comes into view, slick and nicely shaven. We think you ll want to have her use your face as a bicycle seat after seeing that sweetness.

  • 00:04:20
  • May 27, 2012
  • 169


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