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backyard bj with bibi!

There are a few things which signify the beginning of Spring such as warmer weather, birds singing their tunes, outdoor frolicking, and most definitely, sexy girls in bikini s. Today we treat you to a hot backyard date with our insatiable Bibi Noel. The blond, booty-licious starlet awaits you in her backyard, by the pool, and what she has on her mind is your lollipop on her lips!You ll be in the perfect Point of View as Bibi bends that sweet round thing over and bounces it up and down for your balls to get revved up with semen. Laying back on her lawn chair she massages her pretty bald beaver back and forth to orgasm while her sweet tits beam back at us like head lamps. Her deep blue eyes then look straight up at us peering right into the horniest sector of our souls while she pops the cock in her mouth. The top of her head is such a welcomed site with the way she bobs back and forth and slobbers on the joystick, intermittently going for a mouthful of the two potatoes. Sucking, slobbering, and moaning in sheer ecstasy. Then it s time to straddle our beauty, and rest our nuts right up on those soft pillowy tits while she sucks the tip like a pure professional. Ready to cum? Ahhhhhhh, right into her juicy mouth and all over the devious little red tongue ring. Yeah, Springtime is here!

  • 00:14:42
  • Apr 10, 2012
  • 183


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