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tongue on her twinklers!

Russian babe Kelly joins us today in her first amateur hot legs and feet casting and stuns us with her amazing, slender body and dazzling smile! She quickly peels off her blue jeans and panties and her 5 9" frame becomes very apparent as she sits back in her chair and folds up her limbs with grace and ease!The indoor solo set has the blue eyed beauty strutting her stuff while in her chair the whole time as the camera rolls in for closeups of her ten twinklers. Her muffin has nice landing strip of her, perfectly trimmed, and her perky breasts look absolutely delicious. Speaking of delicious, Kelly get sto sucking and licking her toes, one at a time, and closes with a double foot tonguing that s just phenomenal! I have a feeling we will be seeing lots more of Kelly in some hot legs and feet adventures soon!

  • 00:05:42
  • Mar 27, 2012
  • 174


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