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long legged vixen wows us!

A charming blonde vixen from Czech is the subject of our affections in this sex video casting that will make you go, hmmmmm. The 5 7" Katia has a personality that just fires right at us, with a gorgeous smile and a slender, perfectly chiseled goddess-like body that completely built for sin!Katia tells us she is fairly new to the business, but from what we see as she slowly and seductively strips away her clothing is sheer talent, and a women who is perfectly acclimated for making men lose themselves in her complete bliss. Long legs that journey up to a magnificent pussy, and a pair of tits that make you feel like your on a tropical island with a coconut in each hand really make this a set worth voting for with a 10!

  • 00:07:42
  • Mar 20, 2012
  • 107


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