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ravishing redhead rules us!

The beautiful Julia Taylor strutting her way into a hot legs and feet casting! This Hungarian gem is like a gift from the heavens and full of so much positive energy she is just amazing to watch. Are you ready for her to take clothes off? Be prepared for an instant erection, you ve been warned!Julia starts by taking her boots and socks off and wiggling her sexy toes at us. Succulent indeed. She speaks to the castor in Hungarian and her words are like candy for our cocks, but it s the revealing of that super fit and curvy body of hers that really sends our balls into overdrive. She pulls off her negligee and her gorgeous tits and washboard abs hit us like supernova, and her long, luscious legs are the fiery tail! Then a perfect spread sends us to paradise as her pretty little shaved peach makes us fall in love.

  • 00:03:16
  • Feb 28, 2012
  • 219


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