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paige can t stop sucking those tits

Paige and Sapphire clinch and bring together their 70 inches of combined boobage. When Paige’s 38Fs meet Sapphire’s 32Js, there’s lot of fondling through bras and tender open-mouthed kissing as these two gals from Great Britain demonstrate their own weakness for bountiful bosoms. Starting out in pretty lingerie, they quickly peel down so they can lick their nipples and continue to French kiss. Things really heat up when Sapphire gets comfortable on the couch and Paige crawls over her, pressing her mouth against Sapphire’s sacks and continuously licking her nipples. You’ll be able to feel the yieldling softness of Sapphire’s rack as she reclines and watches her friend make love to her. Paige is really the aggressor in this set, playing with Sapphire’s slit and feasting on her nips until finally she goes down and clamps her mouth onto the blonde’s box. Then suddenly Sapphire gets up and sits on Paige’s face so that she can cum and play with Paige’s jugs at the same time. With her own desires set free by orgasm, Sapphire then becomes much more active, taking off Paige’s thong and sniffing it before sucking her tits and licking her hole. But Sapphire really seems turned on by face-sitting, and the set winds up with her planting her pussy back on Paige’s mouth for some last horny licks.

  • 00:27:16
  • Nov 22, 2011
  • 253


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