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loveliness in a doorway

We have a real beauty for you, in a sensual slow striptease that will get you doing a little stripping of your own--of your shorts, that is, so you can access your hardening cock!! Lovely brunette Stella peels out of her pink blouse and black miniskirt to show us her long legs sheathed in lacy beige thigh-high stockings and high heels. Her delectable figure is frosted in an elegant flowery bustier and matching panties, and she stands in a doorway as she takes down her thong to reveal a tight little peach. Stella clearly wants to whet our appetite for her body and come back for more shoots, so she doesn t play with her pussy too much, instead watching us while we study her big swaying boobs as she leans over, and her pretty face as she smiles at us in alluring closeups. Wait until you see her unhook the bustier to reveal an extremely tasty round butt and a beautiful back that you will wish you could pepper with kisses!! Wow!!!

  • 00:21:22
  • Sep 02, 2011
  • 359


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