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robot cock and the forest adventure

In this rockin 3 angle movie, you get to see Stella s hairy bush with a front row seat, stadium seat, and even from a field position! Watch this buxom brown haired beauty sit on the mechanical dick and wiggle it! That s one lucky machine, I d love for my face to be reincarnated into the seat of that thing! Stella s tits are unreal how squashy they are and she loves to play with them, though not as much as she plays with the remote control once she figures that out! She flips a switch and it sounds like a couple of 4 barrel carbs plowing right through her bush, like a weed whacker having problems getting in there! Somehow makes its way through and she cums ferociously on the seat, paving a wet road for future pathfinders!

  • 00:11:15
  • Aug 22, 2011
  • 202


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