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sexy cop enjoys a jailhouse cock!

Please enjoy this set from SUZE.NET, a bonus update for the week! This is one of those scenarios in which you might actually think prison might not be a bad idea! Especially if you had a jailer like buxom sex vixen Lisa Ann. In this Steamy jailhouse video inmate Tyler Knight gets more then his bunk checked on the nightly rounds! Hot and horny Lisa Ann hasn t had a stiff prick in sometime, and so she goes for it with Tyler right through the bars! He gets a quick feel of her cantaloupes and then she just drops down and starts a bobbin on his weiner! You can tell she is having a ball! Well, actually she s having two balls! After some good slurping naughty Lisa lets herself into the prisoners domain and instructs him to start sucking that pussy or else! He gets in their real good, fearing he may get some extra charges racked up against him---but the only racking going on is the sound of the cell block door clanging as Lisa gets hammered from behind while she holds tight! Soon shes on top of her prisoner reverse cowgirl! Ohhhh the look of her bouncing titties and that sweet trimmed cunny popping up and down on what I m envisioning as MY cock is just too good! She does a little switcharoo and you can see those tawt ass cheeks of hers just a jiggling while she rides the baloney pony! Back to the doggy style for punani s pleasure and for a sweet front row seat of her booty bouncing back and forth , legs looking ultra sexy with the fishnets on, Mmmmmm put the cuffs on me! I want some of this jailhouse action!

  • 00:25:50
  • Aug 17, 2011
  • 776


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