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fetish nurse to the rescue!

Pay a visit to a mobile military medical unit as Nurse Black Angelica gives urgently needed moral support to Dr. Ruka Stone in a Best of HLF footjob thriller!Ruka is weary from his duties, and Angelica stands out like a pink angel of mercy in her uniform and pantyhose. Ruka temporarily forgets the horrors of war as she gets him to kiss her feet. She rubs against his shaft with her nylon-sheathed ped, then gets him to suck the same foot. Stroking his dick with her soles while playing with her pussy, she gives us good views of her pink polished toes through the hosiery.Nurse Angelica is creative with her feet, getting into the doggie position to jack Dr. Ruka s rod. Then he stands over her and she tugs his meat from below. She pulls down her pantyhose and encases his lucky log in the stretchy material. She gets him to wrap his hands in the pantyhose, and watches as he sniffs the nylon that only moments before was so close to her soles and toes. Now Angelica goes to work on his prick with her nude feet, her delectable tootsies moving across his huge, engorged shaft. She sits over Ruka and strokes his cock from behind. When he finally bursts, his load squirts all the way up her right ankle, which is covered by a dramatic scorpion tattoo. Of course! A nurse this naughty is naturally a Scorpio, that most erotic of astrological signs!

  • 00:14:07
  • Jun 17, 2011
  • 455


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