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happy to showcase her talents!

When Zuzana first walked in through our doors she was just 18. Weve brought out her hardcore casting set out of the archives for you today, so you can see just how her life as a pornstar began. The Czech blonde babe comes in ready for action and is more than happy to strip out of her shirt and skirt, and peel off her innocent-looking white lingerie to reveal a nice set of tits and shaved pussy. She doesnt flinch when the cameraman reaches out for her, and he gets the green light to play with her pink box. He brings his finger up to her lips so she can have a taste of her juices and continues then continues fingering her as she rubs her clit. He tells her to bend over and spread her lips from behind so we can see just how wet she is, and when he gives her a little spank she gives a little sexy sound of surprise. Zuzana is one to go the limit to showcase her talents and the lucky cameraman gets to experience one of her amazing blowjobs before telling her that shes a keeper!

  • 00:00:48
  • Nov 15, 2012
  • 134


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