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toying on glass table

I’m hanging out solo again and felt like getting myself into a masturbation frenzy, and I thought I’d have my fun on top of the glass table in my livingroom for a little change of scenery. I first get myself warmed up while in my colorful printed dress, running my hands along the body, squeezing my tits together, and rubbing myself underneath my panties. It doesn’t take long for my dress to come off and with my panties to the side, I keep playing with my trimmed pussy, circling my clit with my fingers. I bend over the table to give you a good close-up view from below and behind as I get on with my fingering, sticking two fingers in as deeply as I can and opening up my pink lips wide, so you can see just how wet I am inside. You can just imagine how soaked my panties must be now and I bring them up to my nose and mouth for a taste. Mmmmm, I love the smell and taste of my juices! I bring out a blue vibrating dildo to really get myself off and with it turned on full blast while pumping it in and out of my pussy, I finally reach that orgasm that you and I have been waiting for.

  • 00:24:48
  • Nov 06, 2012
  • 188


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