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how to paint an orgasm!

One of my friends Sandra Shine and I decided to paint my flat, but we got too naughty and horny, so it soon turned into a happy lesbian fiesta! She is one of my most helpful friends, and it is always very nice to see her, so I started to stroke her flawless tight skin, which was not complaining about at all! We soon got totally naked and found ourselves licking each other s juicy pussies. Being that our paint brushes were out, we applied them as sex toys, inserting them into our very grateful and quivering quims. Our orgasms were quick and hard, but unfortunately for the paint job, that went along kind of slow. Is that a sin to squeeze a couple out to help motivate us? I think not!

  • 00:26:58
  • Jan 24, 2010
  • 219


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