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on her knees and ready to please!

French maid Dona Bell is ready to take a break from dusting the furniture by giving one hell of a swell blowjob to YOU in this point-of-view masterpiece! Once she’s interrupted by YOUR ready cock, she drops her feather duster and assumes the position on her knees and looking up at the stiff knob that awaits her attentions. The cock is YOURS as it slides into her mouth and she grabs it with her fingers with their sexy red fingernails...the shiny-tipped meat is YOURS as she spits on it, and as the drool leaks downward toward her frilly uniform...the thrill is YOURS as Dona uses two hands to jack you off and continues to spit all over the rigid inches before her pretty face. Two hands and two big beautiful eyes, looking upward in the best “on my knees & ready to please” expression...YOU will be excited as you see Dona’s titties bobbing in the front of her uniform, and as she moves her mouth down to lick YOUR tight balls...rubbing the rod all over her cheek and chin...acting so slutty until she goes into a finale of two-handed power-jacking that will get YOU spurting an incredible load all over her face!! What a great cumshot YOU give her!!

  • 00:06:39
  • Jul 10, 2012
  • 162


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