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kama sutra here she comes!

We welcomed sexy brunette Bianca to our studios for an all new leg casting set, and boy were we in for a nice surprise! This Budapest babe comes in looking like a fresh spring day in a strapless dress and heels, a big friendly smile on her face. She does the usual catwalk, strips naked and wiggles her toes at us as they all do, but that’s where the similarity ends. We first see her limberness potential when she has no problem bringing her peds up to her mouth and trails her tongue sensually up and down her soles. But the true excitement factor comes when she brings her legs up above her head, touches her feet together, and peeks through her legs with an innocent grin. Oh to imagine the things you could do with that kind of flexibility!

  • 00:04:50
  • Nov 20, 2012
  • 160


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