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my girl blondie got a phat ass

I ve been teasing my girlfriend to do a video with me for months now. That s why when she told me Bangbros was making a new site in which we get to try out for their websites, I was on board. I hope you guys like it and vote for us. My girlfriend is really hot and she has the Baddest Ass I ve ever seen. Im serious, she has a Bubble butt! I waited until she was in the kitchen making me lunch before I popped up on her with the video camera (cause Im gonna need a sandwich after this) and when she saw the camera she instantly got horny. She sucked my dick on the kitchen floor and then I took her to the living room and fucked her on my couch. I tried to do like what you guys do at Bangbros with a plenty of position changes. So that you can enjoy watching her fuck as much as I enjoy fucking her. BANGBROS!!!!

  • 00:26:24
  • Jul 14, 2011
  • 399


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