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double teamed and double penetrated by 2 bbcs

🔥Hotwife BBC Threesome 💥 Lots of Anal 💥 Best selling video 🎬

I was at a swinger party and I saw Rome Major and Artemis talking in the kitchen … and they were looking my way!!!! I had already had a BBC early in the day but I was ready for more…and they always say .. 2 is better than 1!!! So I walked up to them and asked of they wanted to fuck as I would let them have me anyway they wanted!!! They both mentioned Anal 🍑 and I said of course as long as someone was also in my pussy at the same time!!! Off to the bedroom we went!!!!

This is me being the biggest slut….I needed those two cocks 🍆 🍆 in my pussy, mouth and ass!! I took all they had in every hole!!!

-Slut Jewels 💋

  • 00:36:12
  • Nov 16, 2023
  • 434


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