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anal sex hookup after a swingers party

🍑 Anal Sex 🍑 Anal Creampie 💦

First connected with Rico Hendricks at the Hotwife Tour LA orgy in 2022 - OMG that was a huge fucking orgy!! ….. I later returned to LA in 2022 as we were celebrating Sweet Vickies’ birthday and had arranged a few parties for that trip. One of those parties was a pretty upscale LA Swinger’s gathering and guess who I ‘bumped’ into there….Yes! Rico (@LABull85) !!

I remembered from the orgy how good his cock felt as it was the right size (big) and angled perfectly when it went in my ass! You all know what an Anal Slut I when I saw him I know I was going to get him deep inside me….I had him that night (but no cameras in the swingers’ party) so we arranged for him to come by my hotel room the next day so I could have him for the 3rd time!!!

Sit back and enjoy us catching up and getting straight to the sex - and yes he does given me a wonderful anal creampie 🍑💦 at the end!!!

-Slut Jewels 💕💕

  • 00:44:00
  • Nov 15, 2023
  • 199


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