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sam zee sports fun with balls & bats dp/dap rosebud gs piss drinking facial

This is kind of a remake of one of the original videos I first released on here. But with more realistic objects to play with. Haha. As I hit a couple baseballs before putting them in my ass. First one popping out then 2 at the same time! Suck them clean. Then I put a mini football in my ass and also play with with a bat same time. My guy takes control of the bat really giving it to me then makes me gag on his cock and piss. As I drink what I can with him shoving his cock down my throat. Also makes me gag on a toy bat. He then puts a baseball and football in my ass and fucks my pussy and ass with it still in me as I push it out. Brings back in the bat for some DP/DAP fucking in several positions making me cum and rosebud. Ends with a massive facial gagging on his piss and drinking what I can.

  • 00:51:19
  • Mar 08, 2022
  • 35


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