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stress management with cherie deville and zoey holloway - joi

Your step mother and therapist both feel that you need a little help with stress management. Cherie, your therapist, believes that masturbation is your best option and both women want to help you. You are left-hand dominant and your left arm has been giving you some trouble recently. It seems that you will need some extra help in masturbating with your right hand and your step-mother wants to help you. The first step is that you need some visual stimulation. Step mother Zoey and your therapist Cherie are eager to remove their bras to show off their tits to you. Your hard on is a promising sign, so both women continue encouraging you as you begin to jack off. You never jacked off before with your right hand, so it feels new and exciting to you. Be sure not to go too fast at first. As you continue to work your cock, the women take down their skirts and tease you with their asses. The therapist goes a little further and shows off her pussy just to make sure you cum nice and hard. When you

  • 00:08:04
  • Dec 12, 2023
  • 559


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